Möbelfolien online bestellen bei Decofilms


How to Individually Decorate Oberflachen

Whether it’s furniture, stowage or walls, our Oberflachen are suitable for countless purposes. Thanks to our dekorative know-how, they can be perfectly adapted to your specific needs – both in terms of function and design. The resulting space experience is one-of-a-kind, reflecting your individual style and your own personal bedurfnisse.

We can work on all types of materials – wood, MDF-Platten oder comparabile Werkstoffe, but also glass or metal. And we can also print on them. The result is a variety of possibilities – from the most classic to the most innovative, for both interior and exterior use.

In addition to the aforementioned material variety, we also offer many different printing options: from simple text and graphics, to elaborately-designed motifs. Our digital printing technology allows us to create unique, personalized interiors and rooms that are a perfect fit for every kitchen and home.

Depending on the desired look and the intended application, we can also work on matt or gloss surfaces. Matte finishes are characterized by their smoothness, which lends them a soft, warm glow. In contrast, glossy surfaces are extremely reflective, which creates a brilliant, shimmering effect.

In both cases, we can print on designfolien either the front or back of your Oberflachen. To do so, we first cut the corresponding Folien along its edges on the frontvorderseite and then, starting from the rear of the surface, fold it over itself. This gives the Folien a distinctive, three-dimensional effect.

The resulting Klebefolie is robust, dirt- and water-resistant, as well as easy to clean. In addition, it is resistant to grease and can be re-used without leaving any residue behind. It’s therefore ideal for herkommliche Mobelstucke, but also for klebende Wandfolie in der Küche.

For particularly special requirements, it is conceivable to develop further functionalities utilizing the eUI framework. This enables you to extend the system with your own software components and to connect them with the existing eUI using open interfaces (zum Beispiel REST und Webservices). This way, you can integrate additional Leisten – z.B. Navigationspflege, Toolboxen, komplexere Informationsstrukturen etc. – without compromising the update security of your existing software.


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